Can anyone help me get an idea of the timeframe for IDE 0.1.0 release?
Target Date for IDE 0.1.0
(7 posts) (4 voices)-
Posted 4 years ago #
IDE 0.1.0 will come out when the Maple Mini goes on sale. I won't give an exact date, but that's "as soon as we can".
Posted 4 years ago # -
pick and place machine is hot so I'm told.
Posted 4 years ago # -
I just found the March 2011 snapshots for Windows (32-bit), Linux (32-bit), and Mac OS.
Not quite, IDE 0.1.0, but if the snapshots are coming out once a month the final releases cannot be far behind.
Stephen from NYC (full disclosure: I am not a member of the LeafLabs staff)
[my current development system (old, but still working)]
Posted 4 years ago # -
mmiller, in my answer above I had assumed the IDE to follow 0.0.9 would be 0.1.0. When you asked about the 0.1.0 IDE were you simply asking for fixes/enhancements to follow the 0.0.9 release (ie. support for Maple Rev 3/5 boards)?
However, as mbolivar says, IDE 0.0.10 will be released before IDE 0.1.0 (which will be released when the Leaflabs Mini board is released).
Stephen from NYC (full disclosure: I am not a member of the LeafLabs staff)
Posted 4 years ago # -
Thanks for your interest Stephen from NYC,
In fact, I was dreaming that my I2C sensor integration troubles (unable to talk to HMC6352 Compass) would be answered by the major version release IDE 0.1.0. As I recall, IDE 0.1.0 was planned (I forget where I heard it) to include I2C improvements (if not the whole hardware I2C implementation). I have since (at least temporarily) adapted to the Bus Pirate for the HMC6352 I2C connection I needed.
Best Regards,
MarkPosted 4 years ago # -
Hi Mark,
0.0.10 will include the (hard, not bit-banged) I2C implementation that iperry has been working on. C-only library for now, with an Arduino-style "Wire"-like library to follow in the next release.
This one's been a long time coming!
Posted 4 years ago #
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