I started this post to make it easier for other users to see the details of my Maple development system. Each time I report a potential bug I will create a link to the specific configuration I was using. When I update my system, for example, installing a new IDE or an IDE snapshot I will simply add a new post.
No need to respond, unless you think there is an important spec which I am omitting. Here are the general specs:
Board: Maple Rev 3 (summer 2010)
IDE: 0.0.9
IDE source: http://static.leaflabs.com/pub/leaflabs/maple-ide
Manufacturer / Brand: IBM Thinkpad
Processor (speed): Pentium III (1 GHz)
Memory: 512 Meg RAM
USB ports: 1.1 (built-in)
OS: Windows XP Professional (32-bit)
SP: Service Pack 3
Serial terminal: RealTerm
Serial terminal source: http://realterm.sourceforge.net
Java type: JDK and JRE (may not be relevant since Maple IDE comes with its own installation of java)
Java version: ??? (the version which comes installed with 0.0.9)
Stephen from NYC (full disclosurer: I am not a member of the LeafLabs staff)