I just plugged in my new board, and went through all the steps to install drivers. I'm running windows 7 64bit, and I had a few problems since I was never prompted to do anything. I got things mostly working from the information found here: http://forums.leaflabs.com/topic.php?id=73
At the moment I can upload to my board, and it will run programs; I just cannot communicate with it via the built in serial monitor. I never got prompted to install any drivers, and I don't know how to do it manually. Is there any information on how I could do this?
More information:
The 'Serial Port' option is greyed out in the IDE, it doesn't even try to find anything.
The board shows up in the device manager under 'libusb-win32 devices'. Is this right? Also, I'm on 64bit, is it supposed to say 'win32'?