Following my problem noted here: http://forums.leaflabs.com/topic.php?id=9223
I now try to re-flash the bootloader of my Maple-Mini. But I came across the following problem:
In summary:
I installed python 3.3
I installed pyserial-2.6
and when I try to flash the bootloader, I have the following messages:
CD C:\Users\Olivier\Documents\Electronique\MAPLE STM32
"C:\Program Files\Python33\python.exe" stm32loader.py -p COM4 -evw maple_mini_boot.bin
C:\Users\Olivier\Documents\Electronique\MAPLE STM32>"C:\Program Files\Python33\python.exe" stm32loader.py -p COM4 -evw maple_mini_boot.bin
Reading data from maple_mini_boot.bin
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "stm32loader.py", line 479, in <module>
data = read(args[0])
File "stm32loader.py", line 383, in read
if bytes.startswith('\x7FELF'):
TypeError: startswith first arg must be bytes or a tuple of bytes, not str
I have another kind of problem when I try to re-flash with python2.7:
F:\STM32>"C:\Program Files\Python27\python.exe" stm32loader.py -p COM4 -evw mapl
Reading data from maple_mini_boot.bin
Can't init. Ensure BOOT0=1, BOOT1=0, and reset device
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "stm32loader.py", line 486, in <module>
bootversion = cmd.cmdGet()
File "stm32loader.py", line 139, in cmdGet
if self.cmdGeneric(0x00):
File "stm32loader.py", line 136, in cmdGeneric
return self._wait_for_ack(hex(cmd))
File "stm32loader.py", line 87, in _wait_for_ack
raise CmdException("No response to %s" % info)
__main__.CmdException: No response to 0x0
Please help...