Q: Is there a library available for the device I own?
A: There is a possibility that one of our users has developed a library for your device! Look at the wiki page for library or check the forums to see if someone else has developed one.
Q: I read that the Wire library doesn't use the I2C hardware, when will it?
A: One of our users 'crenn' is currently writing an implementation that will allow users to access the I2C hardware like the normal Wire library. You can find his work here:
Update 12-07-03: The library has been finished and has been included in libmaple for future releases, but if you wish to use the library with IDE v0.0.12, you can download it here:
Q: Is it possible to access data from an SD Card?
A: Yes! A port of the SDFat library was completed some time ago and is available from here:
It should be also known that the library was developed in this thread:
IDE and Toolchain
Q: I can't get the Maple working with Windows Vista/7 x64 as the drivers aren't signed. When will you guys support it?
A: Unfortunately Windows Vista/7 is not a supported platform, however users have reported success with the following workaround:
Q: I'm using the unix toolchain and have not been able to successfully upload my code to the Maple. Is there a problem?
A: If you're using a x64 version of Linux, then you need to use the x64 version of dfu-util. Instructions on how to do so are available here:
Q: The Serial Port is greyed out in the IDE and I can only upload sketches with Perpetual Bootloader Mode. How can I fix this?
A: The IDE can't see any Serial Ports, this could be that the drivers weren't installed for the Serial Port, or you don't have access to the serial port. Only windows requires drivers to be installed, just follow these instructions to install them, you may need to go into the device manager. If you're using Linux, then check these instructions to see if this resolves your issue.
Q: I'm using the IDE on a x64 version of linux, but am having problems:
A: Unfortunately, there is a known problem but can be solved by following these instructions:
Q: I own a Olimexino Maple clone, what board selection do I use in the IDE?
A: As the Olimexino board is based off the Leaflabs Maple, you should select the "LeafLabs Maple Rev 3+" option in the board sub-menu found under the tools menu.
Q: I uploaded a program to RAM to test something then after making some minor changes, I uploaded it to flash, but it doesn't seemed to have uploaded. What's happening?
A: When you upload to RAM and then later to Flash, the code is still stored in RAM until the RAM is either overwritten completely (with a new program for example) or a loss of power to the Maple occurs. Simply unplugging the Maple and plugging it back in will get your new code running without any issues.
More questions to follow.