Has any user created a SD memory shield/library from the Arduino to the Maple?
If so, tell me what you did.
I did some research (below) and this is what I came up with.
I have looked at the following libraries for Arduino to Maple SD library conversion:
#1. Fat16 (Arduino Fat16 Library from Adafruit)
#2. FileLogger (comes with SEEED Depot's SD card shield) <--- See note below
#3. SDCard (Stripped down Roland Reigel library - raw SD card reading and writing)
#4. SdFat (GNU General Public Licesne v3)
#5. SDuFat (by David Cuartielles also made Filelogger above)
#6. SDWriter (simple library based on uFat which allows you to write to the SD file as
many bytes as you want at a time)
Note: There are others but the above SD libraries are used the most on the Arduino.
The problems with converting the above libraries to the Maple are many.
In most cases, the SD library creators embedded raw (bit banged) SPI AVR commands into the libraries which will not work on the ARM Maple. Tearing away the AVR (Arduino SPI) and installing or patching the Maple's SPI proved very troublesome unless you are an ARM expert.
From the above SD Libraries only one stands out to be the easiest to convert to the Maple - SDCard.
Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?2belzmmnzml
Is anyone, on this board, up to this task?
I would help in testing if possible.
The SD Card Shield from SEEED Depot is very cheap $13.90. You have to remove only the SMT resistors going to ground (R6,R4,R2 - part of resistor divider network --for 5 VDC to 3.3 v conversion) to make it work on the Maple.