August 25, 2010
I am using a Maple Rev 3 board with IDE 0.0.6 on a Pentium III Thinkpad (512 meg RAM) with USB 1.1 running Windows XP Professional SP3.
Yes, I think there is a bug in how the Maple-IDE exits, which affects the temporary files and directories created at:
C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Local Settings\Temp
(in my previous post I incorrectly used forward slashes)
Before I did the following test I first deleted all the files and directories in the above directory.
When I opened the Maple-IDE four folders and one file appeared in the above directory:
folder: build???.tmp
folder: console???.tmp
folder: hsperfdata_personal
folder: untitled???.tmp
file: jna???.tmp
Then I opened the Blink sketch, set "Tools >> Board" to "LeafLabs R3 Maple to RAM", compiled the sketch, and finally uploaded the sketch. The sketch ran as expected.
After I exited from the Maple-IDE the following three directories remain:
folder: console???.tmp
folder: hsperfdata_personal
folder: untitled???.tmp
If I then simply opened the Maple-IDE and exited immediately (without compiling or uploading) the temporary directory now has two console???.tmp folders
I do not know which directories/files remain if the IDE experiences a problem (eg. an unsuccessful sketch upload).
Stephen from NYC