I changed by mistake my r5 board setting in the IDE 11 to ret6 (rather than to 3+), and despite changing back to 3+, I keep getting errors from ret6 files and very odd data readings.
I searched to find where in the files the board type is selected, but could not find one.
I thought it might be reading it from board itself, thus I re-flashed the bootloader. but for no avail.
I still get ret6 errors like the following one and odd output, although there is nothing wrong in the function for r5 (It worked, and I get the same errors for Maple example).
The error message:
from E:\Maple\maple-ide-0.0.11-windowsxp32\hardware\leaflabs\cores\maple\maple_RET6.cpp:33:
E:\Maple\maple-ide-0.0.11-windowsxp32\hardware\leaflabs\cores\maple\/adc.h: In function 'uint16 adc_read(const adc_dev*, uint8)':