I am sending for prototipe boards of my kicad design can some people look?
It is ncp_base_8.zip
It is kicad and the libraries are in the library or schematic library folder their is a parts list and footprints in mod or footprints.
Its purpose is in peer reviewed articles on EMG decoding useing Linear Discriminant analisis they clasified EMG signals to detect indivigual hand or finger movements in real time.
So check out my kicad open source project and please tell me of any problems you find.
I tried to simplify it and did not use the onboard GPIO.
The processor I am using with it is the leaflabs maple ARM processor that can be programmed like the arduino.
The DLP FT2232H is a high speed USB chip to allow for future additions of more ads1298 EMG EEG system chips & their is a capacitive electrode design that is not quite finished.
The software uses LDA linear discriminant analisis so if anyone wants to help with that great.