I have a board with an F103CBT6 that I want to run the Maple bootloader on. I loaded the bootloader .bin file with an ST-LINK/v2 and that worked but the IDE wasn't seeing the board when I tried to upload via USB. I then tried loading the .bin out of the temp directory and that didn't work either (crystal not oscillating and code not running as in http://forums.leaflabs.com/topic.php?id=74271). I didn't happen to scope the crystal with the bootloader running.
At this point, I realized that I made the mistake of using a 12MHz crystal instead of the 8MHz used on the Maple proper. My current theory is that it doesn't like having PLLMUL set to 9. How do I go about changing the configuration for the correct PLLMUL value to get a 72MHz clock? I assume I need to add a new board definition etc but I can't find where it sets PLLMUL.