I need to set some additional serial parameters, and since the Arduino solution used in the past is to write C for AVR, and Maple owners can't use that solution, I was wondering if there were any simple solutions for us.
I'm getting in trouble with XBEE needing to be configured for parity_even for flashing bootloaders, but then having to use parity_none for user code (I don't think the STM32 detects parity like it does baud, though I tried setting parity_none in stm32loader.py.) Changing parity takes unplugging and then reprogramming the XBEE modems. I'd gladly use parity_even in my code. I just don't have a means.
Since there isn't a solution in the Arduino language, I don't know that you'd want to solve this for them. This might be, however, a good example for mixing ARM code in the Maple IDE.