I don't know if it is of any help, but I am using windows 7 64 bit and the upload is also very slow! I also noticed that the more I upload the longer it gets! However, if I restart the computer it goes back to the original slowness, which would be around 10 seconds to flash "Blink", and I get the same on both Maple Native or Maple Mini.
After a day flashing many different stuff, flashing to Native was so slow that I decided to flash "Blink" for a test, and took more than 30 seconds!
I would like to add that the slowest part (the one in which the screen spends 95% of the time) is at:
Going to build using 'armcompiler' (ARM)
Compiling core.....
When this one is finished, the verbose goes really fast. I kind of feel like the system is waiting for something, and then looks like it reaches a timeout, where he just proceeds.