I'm always using Windows 7 Pro, never encountered Thin Client however I presume it's an image loaded on at start up.
MS Windows Thin Client is a two part system, very different from MS Windows.
Each server runs many instances of MS Windows, one for each user.
The server also runs the MS Windows applications, e.g. Word, Excel, etc.
In our case, the server would run many instances of the Maple IDE, one per user.
Remote machines have the screen, keyboard and mouse attached, and they 'draw' the desktop and application windows for each user, and run parts of the user interface like the mouse pointer. They are a bit like graphical dumb terminals, similar to running X Windows on the thin client machine, with the applications on the server.
There is no image of 'proper' MS Windows, or the MS Windows applications running on the thin client computer. Almost everything except drawing pixels is running on the remote, shared server.
MS Windows Thin Client is popular in schools and colleges because it is much easier to manage servers than networks of PC's running local copies of MS Windows. Thin clients are quite hard to hack because they don't run programs.
The major problem is getting the server to recognise that a thin client has something plugged into USB. Typically the server only recognises a few different types of USB device plugged into the thin client. A local school wanted to do robotic workshops (which I run), but we could not get an Aduino or Maple recognised as a USB device.
The Arduino UNO does NOT need a 'proper' driver installed (unlike its FTDI-based predecessor). So I had hoped it might be feasible to get the UNO recognised by an MS Windows Thin Client network. But it didn't even notice a USB device.
I am posting to alert LeafLabs to the problem, and to ask people who understand MS Windows Thin Client if they have any suggestions for how to make progress.