You did use the micro USB connector ? Unplug and replug the connector and check if you see a new device.
Forgot to mention, you have to manually call the SerialUSB.begin() function at startup.
STM32F4 Discovery LIBMaple DFU issue..
(19 posts) (5 voices)-
Posted 2 years ago #
Yes Ala42 I have SerialUSB.begin() in the startup and I have unplugge the micro usb and min usb too and replug them back
Maybe I should include some library as you have rewrite them (#include "usb.h" or the one with vcp )?
Please note when I upload the aeroquad bin file (you did posted the bin compiled for stm32f4 in another forum) I got STMicroelectronics Virtual Com port in device manager which mean that the drive is installed properlyPosted 2 years ago # -
No need to include anything, calling SerialUSB.begin() is suffient.
Posted 2 years ago # -
Hi Ala42, Thank you for your help and for making libmaple available to the stm32f4
I got it working now after uploading the code to adress 0x08010000
I was uploading to 0x08000000 before, my mistake ...
I've got the ST Virtual COM port working and I can communicate with the board via Serial Monitor, sweet:)
Thank you some muchPosted 2 years ago #
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