Hi guys/galls..
I have read up on the forums and found this:
Which has allowed me to get so far..
I seem to have managed to get the bootloader on to the discovery, changed the target path etc ('Need to update variable PATH to Sourcery_CodeBench_Lite_for_ARM_EABI\bin directory') and seemingly have succeeded to this point.
I have changed the driver with ZaDig util and placed jumper between BOOT0 and VDD pin to enter DFU.
I run '_build_.bat' and it pings 5 times.
It posts that there is 0% loss of packets.
Then it gets to the filter on vendor.
According to the ZaDig util my USB ID is VID 0483 PID 3748 which matches the hardware ID of the STM32 in the device manager.
After changing the driver my discovery appears in the Universal Serial Bus devices list as 'STM32 STLink'.
However, when the build gets to filter on vendor it seems to be looking for vendor = 0x0483 and product = 0xdf11 and claims there are no DFU capable USB devices found.
I have tried changing these details in the makefile, which makes no difference what so ever.
I also tried to go back to using the original driver which is now is also not recognizing. (No STLink detected).
I am not sure if there is supposed to be a change or not in the device manager when I activate the DFU? I am familiar with 8/16U2, which does change when you put it in to DFU mode, but my discovery does not.
I am now stuck in the situation that I can not continue on this route, or go back to the original setup which I am finding very frustrating.
Any help on this would be appreciated!