I have two Maple RET6, and my old Maple rev3.
There is a problem loading to RAM for the RET6.
I use the Maple rev3 to check that the toolchain is working, and it seems to be.
As a quick test of the RET6, I tried to upload blink using IDE 0.0.11.
When I upload to "LeafLabs Maple RET6 Edition to Flash" it works, and the /dev/tty.usbmodemxxxx is visible in the Tools -> Serial Port menu
When I upload to RAM, the upload happens, but the LED doesn't blink, it stays off.
Also the RET6 has disappeared from the Tools -> Serial Ports menu.
When I put the RET6 into perpetual bootloader mode (which sometimes takes several attempts, and I don't understand why, maybe the button has some manufacturing residue) the board reappears on the Tools->Serial Port menu
It can again upload to Flash.
When "LeafLabs Maple RET6 Edition to RAM" is selected, the upload appears to work (same sort of LED flashing), but the LED stays off, and the /dev/tty.usbmodemxxxx disappears from the menu.
Put the board back into perpetual bootloader mode.
It doesn't reappear on the Tools->Serial Port menu, but upload to Flash works, and runs.
Both RET6 boards behave the same way. I can't load into RAM, only into Flash.
Perpetual bootloader mode doesn't happen every time I press the buttons.
Edit: I think the 6 quick flashes when the board can be put into perpetual bootloader mode may be a too bit quick. Please consider stretching it another second.
Small point:
(The instructions are a bit colloquial, does 'Hit' mean 'Click', i.e. quickly press and release? Or does 'Hit' mean even faster than 'Click', or something else? I think 'Click' is more universal, if that is what is meant. If 'Hit' isn't the same as 'Click' [which I don't believe] it might be helpful to spell out what 'Hit' means?
Also, when I was taught English, we were taught to use 'but' rather than 'and' when some thing varied, e.g.
"Hit reset again, and this time"
would be
"Hit reset again, but this time"
to alert the reader that it is NOT the same as before.)