Hiya, I'm planning the next stage of my project which is Kalman filters. I've gor a vehicle robot doing basic navigation and making it aware of it's surroundings.
Next stage is kalman filters etc, I think with my loose programming etc I'd rather add another mcu and keep the original as the integration controller for sensors and drive. then use a more powerful mcu dedicated for navigation and awareness.
I'm new to MCU's but quite impressed with the ease of arduino, rapid dev or what? However I've played with STM demo board and did not find that too daunting. My big issue is that the tool chains are crippled and I had no overview apart from demo's of how to make things work, ie mandatory libraries drivers etc. Frankly i was not overly impressed with the tools chains/ starter doco....which I think is the biggest issue I had.
So question is wait for a naitve or go the Maple.
What tool chain for the native will be provided or supported.....( Free helps alot as I'm living on a pension)