Did you read the page you linked to? The Makefile targets produce either executables for running within an OS, or a shared library, which also requires an operating system.
The thing is, josheeg, that over the years, you've periodically come to the forum asking about applying complex numeric methods for use with Maple, but it's clear that you haven't taken the time to learn enough about the resource requirements, the underlying mathematics, or the implementations of the technology you want to use before asking us to do your homework for you.
For another example (in this instance): because all but the most trivial applications of SVMs reduce to nonlinear optimization problems requiring heavy use of floating point and a fair amount of memory, microcontrollers are unsuitable for dealing with them, especially given the recent batch of inexpensive application-class single-board ARM computers that have been released in recent years. If you had done your reading beforehand (even just a cursory overview of the kernel trick explained in the Wikipedia article on SVM), you would have realized this for yourself.
If you're interested in machine learning and robotics, I applaud you. That's great. I studied a fair amount of machine learning myself, when I was in school, and it's a fascinating field. But before posting here, please take the time to read a book before causing a nuisance by repeatedly asking nonsensical questions and disregarding the helpful advice the users of this forum have given you.