I am trying to port the MCP2451 spi digital pot to the maple. I am using Notepad++ to edit my .h and .cpp files. I am gradually getting closer. I have got to this piece of code in the .h and I am not sure what the proper way is to convert these commands. I think it may need to be specified as Hex but, I am not sure. I just need to change the B00000000 parts.
Please help,
( const static uint8 kADR_WIPER0 = B00000000;
const static uint8 kADR_WIPER1 = B00010000;
const static uint8 kCMD_READ = B00001100;
const static uint8 kCMD_WRITE = B00000000;
const static uint8 kADR_VOLATILE = B00000000;
const static uint8 kADR_NON_VOLATILE = B00100000;
const static uint8 kTCON_REGISTER = B01000000;
const static uint8 kSTATUS_REGISTER = B01010000;)