I've been poking around for this figure and haven't had much luck, and I've been reluctant to poke at the board with a DMM because I'm not sure what voltage I'm going to be exerting on the IO pin. Paranoid, I know.
I've looked at the datasheet (http://www.st.com/internet/com/TECHNICAL_RESOURCES/TECHNICAL_LITERATURE/DATASHEET/CD00161566.pdf) and found two figures of note:
Rain - External Input Impedence - This is listed as 50kOhms, but based on other things in the datasheet, this seems like this is the maximum external signal impedance to ensure ADC accuracy.
Radc - Sampling Switch Resistance - This is listed as 1kOhm, but I've no earthly idea what that means.
I'd looked into measuring voltage across a capacitor that theoretically was charged to 9V (so that I can notice a drop and save settings before power is lost), but when I calculated what values I'd probably need, I wouldn't get results that made any sense (4095 even if I twiddled the adjustment pot so that I'd get less than 3.3V).
So, when I'm trying to put together a voltage divider to move the range of a signal voltage to something that the Maple can survive, should I be taking into account the input impedance of the ADC? Am I just going about this completely wrong?