youthreewire - I had believed that 10bit was possible.
I combed through the ADC section in the RM0008 Reference Manual (document 13902 from, and I can't find any mention of a 10-bit mode. I currently think there is no 10-bit mode, so if you find it, please post in the forum.
I did see that there is a 12-bit or 8-bit mode on the 'high-density family' DAC, so until now, I had assumed that was confusing me. You having the same belief (10-bit mode) has caused me to start to look again.
There is a 'fast interleaved' mode, which uses two ADC's to sample the same signal alternately. So one starts to sample, then the 2nd one starts 7 ADC clock cycles later, the first one finishes 7 cycles later, and can immediately start again, and so on. This is described as giving 2x the sample+conversion rate of one ADC. It's described in section "11.9.3 Fast interleaved mode", page 229, of RM0008. So, in theory, it should sample at about 1.7M samples/second on a Maple, with no other changes. Ten-bit samples would only save a couple of clock cycles, this is more significant.
If the processor-clock speed is dropped from 72MHz to 56MHz, and the ADC-clock prescaler decreased to 4 (to get 14MHz), then a single ADC should give 1Msamples/second, and Fast-Interleave theoretically gives 2M samples/second, at 12-bits/sample.
Note: this is all contingent on the quality of the source of the signal being sampled. If it is high-impedance (the adc.c code comments suggest it needs to be under 0.4k), then the signal can not drive the sample input of the ADC anywhere near these rates anyway. The sample time will rapidly dominate the sample+conversion time.
I have not tried any of that, but intend to. I would like to reach better than 1.6M samples/second for a possible project.