I am really getting tired of my Maple communications.
There have been many complains by myself and others, but to the best of my knowledge there is no cure so far. (am I wrong?)
I have my two r5 connected to two different computers' serial ports each:
The USB that works occasionally. More often than not I get the message "Couldn't find the DFU device: [1EAF:0003]". I then press the Reset (at the very right moment) and it may work, or I change the computer's USB port and reset the device.
The port is seen on the WinXP device manager as a good one ("Maple R3 device", "working properly").
The other port is Serial1 or Serial3. Both work perfectly for my program data (up and downloading data), but my IDE program upload to the r5 does not work using those.
There seem to be something very basic bad with the r5 ports, and I think LeafLab should do something about it. My time is precious, and I don't want to waste it on communications problems.
More than that, I want to be able to download programs remotely by RS232 (not by usb), not needing to use the reset button.
Can anyone help?