How much RAM does the Maple R5 have? The same as R3, or does it use a higher density device?
How much RAM does the Maple R5 have? The same as R3, or does it use a higher density device?
Rev5 is the same stm32f103rbt6 as the Maple, so 20KB ram, 120KB flash. Later versions will likely make the switch the ret6, once we can source them cheaply enough.
Ok thanks poslathian. The reason I'm asking is that uIP doesn't have enough performance for me, so I'm working to get lwip working on the Maple. lwip wants more RAM - more RAM means it can go faster, that's all.
(I'm using ST's port of lwip as a basis, and porting the uIP g2100 driver to lwip's driver framework.)
You can definitely buy an REt6 ship, pop the rbt6 off and swap it out. We have done this successfully as have a couple of users, and the changes to the bootloader/libmaple are minor and known. It is a pain though.
We will see if we cant run a few ret6's through on the next run.
I don't (yet :) have a hot air rework station, so I'm a bit shy about popping off the rbt6. By ret6, do you mean STM32F103RET6 ? If so, and you do a run with some ret6s, I would love to have one. They have 64k of RAM, and that would be about right to run a fast lwip stack.
What mods do you have to make to the bootloader and libmaple to make this work? Are they documented somewhere?
Also, if you make a run with ret6s, will let me know how I can order one?
we will let people know when those boards are available. Right now we just werent able to source a lot of them cheaply.
There is no formal docs for the ret6, but the forums have discussed it in several places. The money line is this:
1) the stm32f103RET6 has 2KB flash pages, not 1KB. So wMaxTransferSize needs to be update in the usb config files of the bootloader
2) the stm32f103RET6 has more flash and memory, so these values need to be update in the linker scripts in libmaple. Since the bootloader is small, you dont really need to change the linkers there
and thats it. Ill post when there are github branches with these changes.
How about making some available without the STM32 populated? At least that way we won't damage the boards removing the chip and we can populate it with our choice of chips. It would also be a nice option to make some available without the headers soldered in.
one prereq for buying the board sans STM32 is having a JTAG programmer and knowing how to use it.. it's likely you already realized this, but i think it's worth mentioning.
you could use the serial bootloader as well! very handy, and is baked in to the silicon
As poslathian wrote, the manufactured-in serial bootloader removes the necessity for JTAG. I used an FTDI cable, but an old Arduino would do.
ah yes, i forgot about that!
i suppose it's more likely that someone will have a USB<->RS232 adapter than a JTAG lying around...
Thanks for the reminder, I have been using the 5V FTDI Basic from Sparkfun and it works great with the serial bootloader.
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