Aeth - That board looks lovely. Making that on 0.6" pitch is very impressive. Squeezing SD on too is even better.
My board is on 0.9" pitch, and it has no SD.
SD is one reason I may rework. SD for data logging would be extremely useful.
I broke out every pin except USB D+/D-. I want this to be usable with beginners, and the thought of someone connecting batteries to a USB pin made me nervous.
One driving force is Micromouse. A Micromouse maze is 168mm wide. It is generally asserted that to drive a 45degree diagonal, the mouse must be 80mm or narrower - the narrower the better. This restricts the size, and mainly the length of the controller board because I want to avoid putting the board above the (noisy) motors.
I want beginners to have a board which would allow them to be competitive with Micromouse experts. By that I mean program algorithms well (so lots of memory), and drive the maze efficiently. Beginners' mice won't have the acceleration and top speed of experts' mice, where often two motors cost well over $200, but the ability to do 45 degree turns keeps the speed up.
I also need it to be breadboard friendly, so single row pins is better. I do like siy's design which brings the extra pins out on 'on top'.