When uploading to flash, after compiling, does the PC platform re-verify what
was written to flash? If not, is there a CRC/Checksum check on the flash contents
and what the PC has compiled?
Just curious - Error checking on the Maple?
(7 posts) (3 voices)-
Posted 5 years ago #
I really do think that this was an easy question answered by anyone of
the fine engineering staff at Leaflabs?Flash verification or checksum/CRC check is a very common engineering practice.
Although the Maple is not certified for Medical (life systems) or industrial machinery,
there should be some sort of flash verification other than using the "HAP" method. "Hope and Pray"
When I put the Maple in my RC plane and it crashes to the ground for unknown reasons,
I really do need to know this answer?Posted 5 years ago # -
Minor Problem #2
The real reason why I asked if there was "error checking" on the Maple,
during my Arduino/Maple instruction/command/function testing there
was, on several occasions, on the same upload to the Maple my "test diagnostic"
ran different.Major Problem #1
My major, major problem on the Maple is compiling and uploading to the Maple is very inconsistent on windows xp.
On my platform (Windows XP SP3) if the upload process takes more
than several minutes then the "upload process" will never take place and hangs - forever.
(There should be a compiler time out function to prevent this and the upload
"darken arrow" on the Maple IDE should be cleared on any completed upload)
If you check the windows task manager under processes “arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe” shows up
numerous times in windows xp?I have only two choices, when this problem occurs. Using the task manager, to
stop the hunged unknown IDE program and reload the sketch or using the stop on the IDE and then
try to restart the upload/compile process. This is very time consuming to say the least.
I am still gathering data on this very annoying major problem.
Note: It doesn't matter what program, I am using, if the compile/upload time
is greater than 2 minutes, then it is time to manually abort this process and start over.On several occasions, an error in a sketch forced the IDE in "lockup mode" in which by clearing
the error, the IDE would not compile again. Only after the IDE was restarted did
the sketch compile properly.On other occasions, when uploading a sketch with an error in it, the PC would indicate
there was new hardware to install?
Note: The compiler would indicate the error then it would scramble the driver to the Maple.My suggestion is to check all your IDE programs on a windows PC platform FIRST and if they all work then having it run on a Linux PC/Mac should be a piece of cake.
I believe that there was some indication that the windows xp drivers are being re-written for the
windows platform? This might solve my problems?Posted 5 years ago # -
Here is a quote from another Maple windows user (from Germany)...
My quote:
I went thru at least 90% of the Aruduino syntax on the Maple and the functions/commands worked.His reply:
I am not talking about the functions or commands, i am talking of the possibility to upload that stuff. I am having severe problems with my uploads. It doesnt matter if i work on my Win PC or on my Macbook Pro. Both refuse to work properly with the MAPLE bootloader. That is my main problem.
Meanwhile i succeeded writing drivers for the painful FEZ Board and had to take it down from the nail. It is doing a astronomical calculation at the time and did not have any failures yet. I have written a prog which restarts the FEZ, downloads the program, starts the program, runs for 1 hour and then repeats the whole procedure. Both MAC and PC are working perfect with their FEZ boards and will continue for a week or more to be sure that i have a reliable system.
I would like to have the same security with the MAPLE. But after a max. of 2 to 3 loads the board is completely blocked for further actions and i have to reload everything new. Starting from the bootloader. This is not my world.Posted 5 years ago # -
I just thought of an enhancement which would be very helpful in providing feedback
to Leaflabs. Have a "marked" progress bar installed on the IDE. If the IDE hangs or refuses to compile there would be an indication on what step in the sequence of compiling did not complete.Posted 5 years ago # -
As far as I can tell dfu-util does not verify uploads. I do know that the serial bootloader script that we use to flash maple-bootloader does verify after writing. The bootloader has been reliable for us and we are already impatient with the upload speed, but if there is demand for a verification option we can definitely add that to our todo stack (I just did!).
To answer your later comments, we aren't planning to add any significant features to the Arduino-based Maple IDE. The Arduino IDE itself is undergoing major development and we intend to track and/or contribute to that development instead of branching further and further away.
We do intend to fix all bugs relating to the ARM-compile/DFU-upload system we have implemented for the three platforms we support. The bugs themselves are usually very easy to fix (less than an hour), the great difficulty is finding solutions that will not break other platforms and maintain compatibility with existing programs/firmware as much as possible (this can take days/weeks). I think there will be a blog post coming soon about our efforts to test all features cross platform...
Posted 5 years ago # -
Bootloader uploads are not checksummed. Uploads using openocd and a jtag are read back from the flash and byte-by-byte compared to verify the image.
We'll probably add a CRC check to the bootloader. It's also on the stack.
Posted 5 years ago #
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