Which Timer-pin does the Maple Software use?
Thx in advance.
Which Timer-pin does the Maple Software use?
Thx in advance.
I'm not sure I understand the question.
There are several timers on each of the Maple boards, and each timer can interact with several pins. For example, here are the pins connected to timer channels on Maple:
If you're not using a Maple (Maple Mini, etc.), there is a timer pin map for each board in that board's hardware documentation.
wattsohn - Also on my Maples, the silk screen next to each pin might say "PWM" (12 of them).
Each of those pins is connected to a timer, and can be used for 'analogOutput' (pwmOutput), or with extra effort, timer input.
(Full disclosure: I am not a member of LeafLabs staff.)
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