Adafruit have 16x24 LED displays with Ht1632C chip, they supply an Arduino library.
The library has the following code to initialise the board - it is possible to cascade a number of boards with different select lines 'cs1' 'cs2' hence the different parameters.
HT1632LEDMatrix::HT1632LEDMatrix(uint8 data, uint8 wr, uint8 cs1) {
matrices = (HT1632 *)malloc(sizeof(HT1632));
matrices[0] = HT1632(data, wr, cs1);
matrixNum = 1;
_width = 24 * matrixNum;
_height = 16;
HT1632LEDMatrix::HT1632LEDMatrix(uint8 data, uint8 wr,
uint8 cs1, uint8 cs2) {
matrices = (HT1632 *)malloc(2 * sizeof(HT1632));
matrices[0] = HT1632(data, wr, cs1);
matrices[1] = HT1632(data, wr, cs2);
matrixNum = 2;
_width = 24 * matrixNum;
_height = 16;
In the Maple environment we don't have malloc. Could any one suggest a work around to initialise the array matrices[] with the HT1632 objects.