HDS - I stand corrected.
I can't find my copy of Jensen and Wirth "Pascal User manual and Report", but I had thought it dated the language as '76. I was wrong, Amazon.com says it was 1974. So yes, Pascal predated C. C took inspiration from BCPL, which was simplified CPL.
The 7th Edition of UNIX was described in the Bell System (AT&T) Technical Journal 57, July-August 1978
There had been 6 earlier editions, and I know that Edition 6 was written in C because I read the source along with John Lyons commentary http://www.amazon.com/Lions-Commentary-Unix-John/dp/1573980137
I read Kernighan's "Why Pascal is not my favourite language" in the '80's and it's criticism of Standard Pascal still seems reasonable and valid: http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~cs655/readings/bwk-on-pascal.html
Of course, Turbo Pascal and hence Delphi are very different languages from Standard Pascal, and people should not be confused about this. Turbo Pascal is more different from Standard Pascal than Java is from C#.
I skimmed the document you refer to http://www.bernd-leitenberger.de/pascal-und-c.shtml
i.e. http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bernd-leitenberger.de%2Fpascal-und-c.shtml
I can sympathise with some of the authors views, but IMHO, it fundamentally misses the point.
Also it appears to contain factual inaccuracies. The author appears to misunderstand the do { ... } while (), or maybe think it is somehow "wrong", but I think it is symmetric with two valid approaches.
The author creates awful, buggy, code to do simple things (e.g. to convert a string to upper case - StringToUpper). It appears the author tried to use C to do Pascal, which is not a reasonable comparison. It is no more valid than trying to write FORTRAN programs in Pascal. The author doesn't like the C syntax and having lots of operators, but presumably likes, succ, pred and ord. IMHO, syntax becomes unimportant after the first month. So I can understand their taste, but IMHO there are more important issues. It is the model of computation that matters. I think I could rewrite the paper using Java as the better language, and Pascal as the inferior, and I would be more right. That still doesn't make it a good approach for comparison.
A quote: "Delphi can be used with relatively small adjustments on Linux, Windows and. NET. These are three totally different platforms,"
No, they are all x86 systems, Windows has a POSIX layer, and the Delphi developers can choose to wrap anything they like.
If that were written about x86, ARM, MIPS and maybe SPARC, on .NET, Linux, FreeRTOS and OS X/iOS, I'd be impressed.
Key things the author seems to miss from the comparison are tools (e.g. lint, prof, gprof, yacc, lex, CVS, and piles of other handy tools integrated by the shell), lots of libraries, and the on-line manual. It was an absolute joy to use C on UNIX because of its manual, tools and libraries. IMHO, it is utterly wrong to make *any* claims about productivity when you ignore the fact that one language was embedded in a proper development environment with powerful, flexible and extensible support, and the other had no proper separate compilation support, and such a badly specified system interface that it was unusable for anything that wasn't a sequential file in and out. A toy vs an ugly but effective workshop full of tools and materials.
Pascal was designed to be a small language to teach people (who do not yet know) how to program, and explore algorithms and data structures (hence Wirth's "Algorithms + Data structures = Programs", which I quite enjoyed at the time, and read in the launderette, but is such a narrow view of programming that I wouldn't recommend it anymore). It is testament to Wirth's design that Pascal got used for wider purposes, when Wirth himself had already moved on.
C was intended to write efficient operating systems, and system-level tools like compilers, editors, databases, windowing systems, system utilities, etc. and replace assembler. Which is exactly what it has been used for.
IMHO, it was not a time to market issue. They were designed for different audiences. The first proper language I was taught in my Computer Science degree was Pascal. It was great to learn about algorithms and data structures. That's what it was good for. C was so much better for writing useful programs that it was not a fair comparison then, and still isn't. I used to write C on our UNIX system, and recompile (using Lattice C) under MS-DOS. Not an option for Pascal because of the lack of system interface and libraries.
IMHO, comparing Pascal and C is as silly a comparison as a bicycle and a truck. People have irrational "wars" when the core use cases are not comparable. Yet, the evidence is clear. Even though Modula-2, Oberon and Ada were all "better Pascal's" comparable to C/C++, with a lot of money behind Ada (and I put quite a lot of effort into Modula-2 and Ada, so I would have been okay with them winning) yet C/C++ still won. Let's get over it, and move on.
FYI C# is Java, with two syntactic changes which created an incompatible language. I believe (from a personal friend who really knows this stuff) that in very early (pre-release versions) C# used the same DLL's as Java.
C++ was preceded by C with classes, which started in 1979. It became C++ in 1983. I believe my chum Mark Rafter had the first C++ compiler in Europe, when he got a tape created by Bjarne Stroustrup (Mark had been interested in C with classes). Mark taught me (and many, many others) C++ in the 80's. He represented the UK at ISO for C++ *standardisation*, maybe before Turbo Pascal 5. So I think Turbo Pascal 5 was quite late to the party.
AFAIK, there are libraries of secure datatypes in C++, and have been since the 90's (maybe even the 80's). If you don't want to use them for some reason, you have that choice. I'd be willing to consider using Cyclone http://cyclone.thelanguage.org:8181/
There were other very influential Object Orientated languages, like Simula 67 (1967), SmallTalk from 72 onwards, with the definitive system in 1980. There were Abstract Datatype focused languages, e.g. CLU (1974), Mesa (1970's) which inspired Green, which became Ada in 1983. Also ObjectiveC (still used on Mac) dates from the 80's. All predating Turbo Pascal 5 too.
There are far more interesting and productive ways to program than Pascal or its children.
For example Haskell for productivity, compactness, type safety, algorithmic expressiveness and power (they have even generated better code than the gnu C compiler). I suspect "bernd-leitenberger" wouldn't like Haskell because it uses lots of clever syntax and clever ideas like "Currying", side-effect-free lazy evaluation etc.
Or Erlang, where productivity and effectiveness over C++ has been documented on realistic (though still relatively small) applications, for systems which have down-times of sub-seconds in 10's of years.
Python-on-a-chip (PyMyte) fits on Maple, and gives a REPL interface.
The work of VPRI may get us to 10x more productive?
Anyway, we have C/C++, and I *MUCH* prefer them to assembler, and to *every* language that I can't actually use to program my system :-)
On a machine with 512KB flash, I'd hope to get more than 20k source lines. IIRC Edition 6 UNIX was about that size, and it ran in 128KB. I believe the Xerox Alto SmallTalk 80-based machine had a 16-bit address space (64KB) in which all code, including the OS ran.