Hey guys,
I want to use the PWM pins 8, 9 and 11, all of which are linked to 3 different timers.
I want the overflow at 255 and the prescaler at 5, quite like in the example on: http://leaflabs.com/docs/lang/api/hardwaretimer.html#lang-hardwaretimer << this page.
When I try to declare 3 different HardwareTimer timer(x)'s, the compiler doesn't allow it due to "redefinition of 'HardwareTimer timer'"
How can I get around this and set all timers to prescale of 5 and overflow of 255?
Also, by changing the timers, does time keeping such as micros() and millis() still work? When you change the timer1 prescaler on arduino, the time keeping functions don't keep time properly.
Thanks, Harris