I have found this in the documentation supplied with Maple IDE:
"Build Instructions
You first need to set the environment variables LIB_MAPLE_HOME to the
path containing the libmaple repo, and BREATHE_HOME to the path
containing the breathe repo. [FIXME: using env. vars. is hackish].
This will enable you to build the documentation. Check that this
worked with:
$ cd $LIB_MAPLE_HOME/docs
$ doxygen
$ make html
Sphinx should build the docs with no trouble, ending in "The HTML
pages are in build/html". Please ignore any warnings.
If that worked, you're now ready to place the IDE's various libmaple
dependencies into their respective places. There's a hackish script
in the libmaple repo which will get the details right for you. From
$ ./support/scripts/copy-to-ide <--path to IDE directory-->
Where <--path to IDE directory--> gets replaced with the path
containing the IDE repository. This will copy the libmaple source
tree over, then rebuild the documentation and copy it over. You are
now ready to compile the IDE itself.
From the build/ directory, select the appropriate subdirectory based
on your target platform. Run make.sh from within that directory.
$ cd build/linux
$ ./make.sh"
I am a little lost as what to do next?
I can't seem to find any information on 'Breathe' or even how to pull this part together..
Would this enable me to run the F4 and upload entirely from within Maple IDE?
Once I have built Libmaple for the F4, how do I then include it in to the compile of Maple IDE?