Last month I blew up the regulators on two Maple boards because I was directly driving three LEDs from digital output pins (and powering the board from a 12VDC source)
I'm looking for a way to do this without having the current powering the LEDs source from the on board regulators. My plan is to power the LEDs from Vin and use NPN transistors to switch the ground side of them. The schematic I just completed uses 2N2222 NPN transistors with 1K resistors in series with their gates to cut down the current that the digital lines have to source.
Everything *looks* OK, but I thought I post something here asking if there's anything else I've overlooked or if anybody has a better suggestion on what transistor to use. (I was thinking N channel MOSFETs might be better, but haven't looked yet)
Looking to use only through hole parts as I'm putting together a kit for others to solder together.