I am a bit embarrased, but I have been looking in a folder where I been working to set up a recent version of libmaple for maple-ide, just as you. I have now rechecked the status.
Maple IDE uses a single flat directory with folder containing the board specific limker files. Keep thoose from the original IDE structure.
The newer libmaple have refactored to old code into several files in different directories with same name. So there are two choises:
Move files from subdirectories and rename them to not conflict with other files of the same name. Fixup include directives in the source files. This is a bit of messy work but possible ( I did it before reverting to second method below).
or ...
patch the IDE to use the libmaple structure. I have worked on that but never got around to clean it up and really package it for easy use. I use it myself under Linux. So I will try and clean it up and push it to Githib later this weekend.
Sorry for the confusin, I thought it could be done simply and had forgotten my own previous problems.