raymadigan - "If this is going to be a successful project, there has to be a way get to the bottom of issues using it."
I agree.
LeafLabs seem to be okay supporting the forum site. They have recently moved parts of the web site to new software software, so I think they plan to keep it alive. Several of us can sweep away spam, so it is maintained. Folks drop by often to try to help answer questions, and I think answers are high quality. However it isn't at anything like the scale of Arduino.
While it is only a small part of the answer, I sometimes pop over to ST's STM32 forum to look for threads on peripherals. I hope that expands my knowledge base to help here.
We are fortunate that ST produce STM32xxDiscovery boards at very low costs, sometimes under $10. These give us a low-cost way to try out the latest parts, and develop for new microcontrollers, or make new boards using them.
An important feature of STM32 Discovery boards is the ST-LINK/V2 hardware "SWD" debugger which can be used to debug any STM32 by connecting 6 (5 really) wires. There are several open source gdb servers (I've used https://github.com/texane/stlink), which give 'proper' hardware debugging (single step, instruction breakpoint, data watchpoint, etc). So, from a hardware perspective, Maple is in a good place.
ala42 has found that the the STM32F30xxx runs USB code with one change. ala42 has also developed a bootloader-less technique for using the newer STM32Fs which contain a manufactured-in USB bootloader. So based on ala42's approach, a new board 'just works' (TM:-).
I hope the community can encourage folks to participate by creating boards which fit a variety of uses. For example, several people are making or working on more DIY friendly boards than Maple or Mape-mini, while being software compatible.
Several folks have improved the IDE. For example by replacing the ageing version of gcc with a newer ARM sponsored version https://launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded which includes new features including fixed point arithmetic.
Some of this is quite technical, not integrated or not documented (maybe wiki pages gathering some of this stuff up might help?).
However, I hope it shows that the community is alive, and actively progressing.