Dear leaflabs,
Very happy to see such a nice project!
I am now playing with a borad base on STM32F103RBT6. While I am driving some of the hardware modules to work at the same time, I find there's a little problem with function conflicts.
64 pins is not that easy to use, we should consider much about our purpose so that it wouldn't go into a bad pin conflict.
That is, I want to use TIM1_CH4 to output PWM waveform and use UART1 in the meantime, it's impossible. A change of pin use is needed.
Could mapple process well?
Or can we use VBT6 or VET6 to enhance mapple's strength, as a suggestion?
I am in China and I find there almost nobody knows mapple.
Hope I could do something here to popularize mapple, a nice project.
Nowadays I'm considering about whether I bring in some 100pins or 64pins to use mapple,any suggestion?
best regards!
and HUGE support for mapple!