Got mine today. Ate the Smarties, one of my childhood favorites. Thanks Leafblowers. Congratulations all around, especially mbolivar - are you the CEO?
Maple-Mini vs. Netburner 5213 Module
(98 posts) (15 voices)-
Posted 4 years ago #
32-bit wars....I would hate for them to turn into a price war. Were glad to see 32 bit adoption starting to take over the 8/16 bit pic/avr space, but we obviously have some strong opinions about how to move forward. mbolivar is putting together an article on this subject for the blog.
As for keeping the lower price - we would need some serious volume to sustain that. Fry's and Digikey you say? hmmmm.
Certainly we cant let people continue going around saying some two week old pic32 board is the first ever awesome 32bit arduino-style platform. That is just....or rather unjust.
Posted 4 years ago # -
Thanks Leafblowers. Congratulations all around
Thanks very much! We hope you like it.
mbolivar - are you the CEO?
I'm not the CEO, thankfully ;).
Posted 4 years ago # -
And I'll leave this here too! 4 years ago # -
Leafblowers, what's your take on the upcoming Arduino module called the Due that comes with a 32bit Cortex-M3 ARM processor? Concerned? I must say this has been anticipated for a long time and I hope they don't steam roll you.
Posted 4 years ago # -
liam.ll - there was quite a discussion on the thread Arduino Due
Posted 4 years ago # -
This is very painful to witness... Arduino products on RadioShack shelves in instead of Maple! The relatively weak "Arduino Uno" is retailing for $39.95, more expensive than the Mini.
I've also seen weird Arduino knockoffs at Fry's called "OSEPP" modules. And I mean I've seen them on the shelves.
On the bright side, this could spell the end for the ridiculously expensive Parallax modules. Leafblowers, will we see your products on the shelves too?
Posted 4 years ago #
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