This is probably a simple question, but if I power the board through vin and don't jump the USB pin on the power pins, then is it safe to use the USB as just a serial port? I've read it's okay for an arduino, but all I can find are warnings not to power from both throughout the docs for the maple. It doesn't explicitly say that this is not unsafe, however...just want to make sure.
USB serial port with external power.
(3 posts) (2 voices)-
Posted 3 years ago #
The USB pins in the power block is only related to power. If you're using 5V to Vin, it is possibly safe (although power will feed back through your USB cable into your computer) although I would not recommend it. I'd suggest moving the jumper over to EXT even if you're using a 5V power supply into Vin.
Posted 3 years ago # -
"Would not recommend it" for damaging the maple or damaging my PC (or both)? This might sound odd, but I actually wouldn't mind risking damage to my PC. The maple isn't my equipment, however...
(I just noticed I said, "doesn't say[...] not unsafe"...hows that for a triple negative?)
Posted 3 years ago #
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