I'm currently using a hacked up build system to build libmaple and target an STM32F1xx medium density chip. All of this works great on my Macbook but I recently made the switch to an Ubuntu 64-bit desktop. After installing the ia32-libs, I was able to run the tool chain binaries downloaded from the Unix Tool Chain set-up guide.
However, when calling the linker [LD], it throws this error:
arm-none-eabi-g++: selected multilib 'thumb2' not installed
I'm not exactly sure what to make of it. I know what some are going to tell me: "But there's now support for the STM32F value line! Just check out the latest on github!" - well... I'm kind of neck deep in a project now and I can't make the switch as of now. If I were starting fresh, then yes definitely. Either way, I'm not sure if it's a problem with my modified build system (which works flawlessly on my Mac) or if it's because I'm trying to run these 32-bit compiler binaries in a 64-bit environment.
Any help would be appreciated! Thank you.