Current version of libmaple perfectly compiles with arm-none-eabi compiler but not compile with ARMCC. Problem in new features of GCC which not supported with RealView ARMCC. It's not a big changes to make code to comtible with other arm compilers.
For example
typedef struct timer_dev {
timer_reg_map regs; /**< Register map */
rcc_clk_id clk_id; /**< RCC clock information */
timer_type type; /**< Timer's type */
voidFuncPtr handlers[]; /**< User IRQ handlers */
} timer_dev;
initialization this structures not support by ARMCC but if you change
voidFuncPtr handlers[]; /**< User IRQ handlers */
voidFuncPtr *handlers; /**< User IRQ handlers */
all OK
Changes in codes minimal but your code can be used this other system - Keil, IAR and may be other. I check only with Keil and IAR