Which board do I choose for my STM32F103? Depending on the sketch, sometimes the project will work, sometimes not. For instance, blink will work, but not the serial monitor. Uploading using a different board and LED projects don't work but the serial monitor will work. I am using linux mint 32bit. Thank you.
Which board for STM32F103
(12 posts) (5 voices)-
Posted 3 years ago #
I thought it was a real board. It came in an olimexino box.
What I have done that seemed to work is running lsusb to find the address, then changing boards.txt. Where it had 1EAF:0003 I changed it to 1EAF:0004 to reflect what lsusb sees. It seems to work.
Posted 3 years ago # -
Looking at the "identifying your maple" page, I'm confused again lol. My board says Rev.A and is also way busier, graphics wise. I love my board, I just gotta learn it. It's not as out of the box friendly as my uno was, but so much better regardless.
Posted 3 years ago # -
Anybody know where boards.txt is being called from? My board is now showing up as 1eaf:0003 again. I want to change it to be a variable then grep it out from lsusb each time.
Posted 3 years ago # -
Quite sure. I'm running lsusb, which was showing 1eaf:0004 yesterday and once I changed boards.txt to reflect this everything worked perfect. Later last night I couldn't get anything to upload at all, even in perp bootloader. I ran lsusb and it was 1eaf:0003.
Posted 3 years ago # -
compuslave, If I understand your posts properly, then you have an Olimexino Maple clone:
http://www.olimex.com/dev/olimexino-stm32.html. It has the same processor and pinout as the original Maple, so in the IDE you would pick "LeafLabs Maple Rev3+ to Flash" (or to RAM). You can also compare schematics. But the bootloader should basically be the same.
The only reason why it would change the PID like this is because it switches from bootloader to serial mode (i.e after reset the board is in bootloader mode until the fast blinking ends and then presents itself as a serial USB device so you can use USBSerial in your sketch.
Try searching for perpetual bootloader mode (LED keeps constantly blinking) and use lsusb while in perpetual bootloader mode.
To upload a sketch, s special character combination is sent to the serial usb device, which switches the board into bootloader mode so the sketch can be uploaded with DFU.
In windows this is quite seamless, because it automatically detects the change, but it might be more tricky in Linux.Hope that helps,
MichaelPosted 3 years ago # -
Putting it in and out of perp bootloader it will switch to 0004, then back to 0003, then disappear if reset is hit. I haven't found any rhyme or reason to it yet. At first I thought it was as you said, bootloader mode would show up 0004, otherwise 0003. But this isn't what happens. Plugging and unplugging and going in and out of perpetual bootloader bounces it around between the two and if reset is hit at anytime it disappears and requires unplugging and plugging back up to see it again.
Posted 3 years ago # -
You have to live with the problem but, it isn't bad when you get used to it.
When you want to program, put the board in perpetual bootloader mode. Then, after it resets you will be able to watch the serial output.
If you need to flash again, put the board in perpetual bootloader mode again and restart process.
Posted 3 years ago # -
The ID is 0004 when the Maple is currently emulating a Serial port and 0003 when it is currently in 'bootloader mode' waiting for code to be uploaded. In normal cases, the IDE or upload script will reset the Maple into 'bootloader mode', upload the code and then reset the maple to the new code.
Putting the board in perpetual bootloader mode is good if something goes wrong (or you've selected the wrong device in the IDE) and need to force it to upload code. SerialUSB will stop working if you do not use the correct board selection for your device due to different pin numbers used between boards.
Posted 3 years ago # -
Thanks guys, and crenn that is good info. I appreciate the feedback!
Posted 3 years ago #
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