Hi, I am writing a sketch for an Olimexino STM32 board where I want to use both FreeRTOS and a hardware timer, triggering an interrupt, and to which I attached an interrupt service routine.
I used the same timer and interrupt scheme with success in another sketch, but without FreeRTOS. This interrupt sends SPI messages, one per interrupt.
When I use FreeRTOS, the sktech does not work.
Specifically :
I have commented out every FreeRTOS-related statement. Eventually I found that the faulty statements are :
xQueueCommande = xQueueCreate( 20, sizeof( int16 ) );
if( xQueueCommande == 0 )
If I uncomment this, the SPI does not send messages (seen on the scope). I do not know whether the interrupt service routine is actually called or not.
The Queue seems to be created since the error() function is not called (it flashes a LED).
So my question : is there a known incompatibility with the hardware timer? I tried Timer 1 and 2, both do the same.