Low Frequency Noise USB Power source:
This could be neat for a maple or lillypad arduino or for sensors.
The systems here work good for 3v charging 5v would be awsome for a USB jack that charges itself and will discharge in your mp3 player when it is low.
I have seen buck boost chips and energy harvesters...
Now a TI Low Frequency Transever that can charge lipol batteries looks very interesting.
I am allready building parts of it in kicad.
Most of the examples show 3.3v what should be done to allow for 5v battery output for a 5v system 3.3v is most of my equipment but if it was to charge things that had a usb connector like cellphones mp3 players etc. how should that be done any sugjestions?
linear design note 483
So what chip combination would work best
what about allowing for a solar panel and pizio wind vibrated generator to be plugged in and charge a lipol so 5v could come out when someone plugs in their usb device?