September 2, 2010
A question occurred to me while I was examining the directory structure of the Maple-IDE (0.0.6) installation on my Windows XP Professional SP3 system.
If my understanding is correct the Maple-IDE comes with its own java directory.
C:\Program Files\maple\java\bin
1) In Maple-IDE 0.0.6 java version 1.6.0_16 is installed.
2) In Maple-IDE 0.0.6 java runtime environment version 1.6.0_16-b01 is installed.
3) In Maple-IDE 0.0.6 java hotspot client vm build 14.2-b01, mixed mode is installed.
Does the b01 indicate the JRE a "beta"? Does the b01 indicate the java hotspot client is a "beta".
I just made a confusing discovery. On my system I apparently have a mixture of java SDK and java JRE.
The java Control Panel application reports version 1.6.0_20. This is consistent with the JRE directory command line information (java -version).
1) In JRE java version 1.6.0_20 is installed.
2) In JRE java runtime environment version 1.6.0_20-b02 is installed.
3) In JRE java hotspot client vm build 16.3-b01, mixed mode is installed.
However, if I change to the SDK directory the command line information (java -version) says the system has 1.6.0_17 installed.
1) In SDK java version 1.6.0_17 is installed.
2) In SDK java runtime environment version 1.6.0_17-b04 is installed.
3) In SDK java hotspot client vm build 14.3-b01, mixed mode is installed.
If the Maple is using its own installation of SDK and JRE then I assume my mixed system should not affect javac.exe. On your linux development systems do the Maple command line utilities use the java installed by Maple or the java SDK/JRE during the operating system installation?
Any thoughts?
Stephen from NYC
Here is a description of my system:
Maple board: Rev 3 (summer 2010)
Maple IDE: 0.6.0
Processor: Pentium III (1 GHz)
USB ports: 1.1
OS: Windows XP Professional (32-bit)
SP: Service Pack 3
Java type: JDK and JRE
Java version: 1.6.0_20 (as reported by the Control Panel)