First let me say I'm thrilled to have access to an ARM core with the simplicity of an Arduino. I'm a bit perplexed by a few things, however. To begin, when I use the delayMicroseconds() the time delay is always twice what is passed to the function.
Next, while using Windows 8, the board doesn't seem to consistently program or connect to the serial window. I've read on a few posts that there is work being done to improve compatibility but they are all a year old or so. Is there still work being done for on the IDE?
New to Maple, handful of questions
(2 posts) (2 voices)-
Posted 2 years ago #
Kinda buggy timing.
This might help but maybe not.
Have a look for wirish_time.h in the core libraries within maple (I'm on a mac so no idea where it may be under windows. I'm sure windows has a search function that works though.)
I seem to remember I edited it, and it was 99.9% accurate. But then 6 months later it seemed inaccurate again and I changed it back. I no longer know what the standard is. Perhaps you could post whatever value STM32_DELAY_US_MULT 12 is? Maybe you could play around with the values in wirish_time.h (it gets compiled every time you upload) to experiment and post your results.
As far as I know, the ide hasn't been updated since I got a maple in Jan 2012. Shame 'cos it's a damn sight better than Arduino IMO.
Posted 2 years ago #
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