I've been playing around for a day with the discovery board and even though the gdb is nice to have, the procedure to load firmware to the board is not simple at all.
Has anyone got to a simple way of doing this? With a tutorial maybe... :$
I've been playing around for a day with the discovery board and even though the gdb is nice to have, the procedure to load firmware to the board is not simple at all.
Has anyone got to a simple way of doing this? With a tutorial maybe... :$
bubulindo - How simple is simple?
On my Mac, it is something like
st-flash write file.bin 0x0800000
where file.bin
is the objcopy output.
There is a tutorial within the tools.
It can be wrapped up in a shell script or Makefile.
I don't think it can be made much simpler without significant effort to integrate into Eclipse, NetBeans or Wiring/Maple IDE.
I feel extremely dumb right now.
Pretty simple.
bubulindo - Everyone has a 'tired-brain day';-)
And it is Friday 8-)
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