stephanschulz - It might be helpful to add that that device appears to like a nominal 5V power supply.
At that voltage, its spec says its input pins would like a minimum of 0.7*5V = 3.5V.
It's signal pins could be driven directly at a slightly lower voltage, e.g. a Maple output pin. Certainly try it, but it might be a bit sensitive to electrical noise.
So the pins could be driven by 5V tolerant pins, using pull-up resistors to reach 5V, and set up with pinMode OUTPUT_OPEN_DRAIN.
AFAICT, the SPI input signals need to rise and fall reasonably quickly (i.e. 200ns), so relatively small pull-up resistors would be needed.
Some of the Maple SPI pins are not 5V tolerant.
So, for example D11 (SPI MOSI) and D13 (SPI SCK) are not 5V tolerant, and if they have a bit of a problem driving that chip directly, they couldn't be pulled up to 5V with pull-up resistors.
D32 (SCK) and D34 (MOSI) might be better because they are 5V tolerant, so you could try directly driving L9822 pins, or using pull-up resistors.
It looks like all the SPI signals need have 'slower' rise time, or fall time than 200ns.
The Maple GPIOs are normally set up for a 50MHz rise/fall, so if there are problems, it might be worth having a look at gpio_set_mode
and setting the rise/fall time a bit slower.
or even
WARNING: I've never tried this!
The L9822 looks very tolerant to being driven at low speed. AFAICT, it has no lower speed.
So you could write a simple 'shift_out' function using two digital pins, and just setting them with digitalWrite. This might be useful if you haven't got an oscilloscope, or have problems with SPI. Using a 'soft-SPI' would allow the bits to be written so slowly that LEDs could be wired up the the soft-SPI-equivalent signals, or print/println
could be used, and you could see what is happening. The pins would be set up for pinMode OUTPUT_OPEN_DRAIN.
A small aside; that chip could be 'emulates' using an ordinary, cheap 8bit SIPO shift register ($0.50) driving LEDs. Judicous choice of part would work at 3.3V too, so you could do software development and testing without a 5V power supply.
Tiny aside: the L9822 is listed as obsolete e.g. a Mouser, but the L9822E is active, so I assume that's the part about to be used.