Does anyone have any experience working with the maple board and keil uVision4? I got a ulink2 jtag interface and made a header cable to fit the maple board but am not having much luck programming it with the keil stm103RB profile. Just curious if anyone else was using that IDE or using as a means to send the .elf or .bin files exported from the maple IDE over JTAG.
Maple + uVision or uLink2 experience?
(7 posts) (4 voices)-
Posted 5 years ago #
I use uVisiion + handmade J-Link via SWD/SWO debug. Works fine.
Posted 5 years ago # -
Thanks x893, glad to hear this is possible. Are you using uVision to build or just to flash?
I'm wondering if I use maple IDE to build and then uVision flash to 0x08000000 if that will boot straight into my program, or if they (maple programs) compile to only work at 0x08005000 with the bootloader in front pointing to the program (obviously I have a lot of reading to do). I'll have to do some research about SWD, I think I've been trying to use "standard" JTAG, but I know that the ulink2 supports SWD.
Posted 5 years ago # -
i use for build, flash and debug.
uVision can build from any address (as defined in build parameters). Often i use 8005000 (to preserve maple bootloader) but for some applications (for example maple bootloader) i use 80000000 as start address. I prefer SWD because uVision support SWO viewer and i can use printf(...) in programs w/o additional serial interface to host.Posted 5 years ago # -
hmm, having issues with the .bin files from maple, when I translate to hex, uVision always wants to put them at 0x0 and comes up with error (no algorithm for 00000000H) despite whatever memory location I specify. If I load the bin file straight it's a "bad absolute module". Yikes, might try out the "in house" tool-chain with the Olimex programmer, sigh.
Posted 5 years ago # -
The IDE does not currently support any sort of bare-metal binary mode. It will always expect that the code is going to end up at either 0x08005000 or at 0x20000C00 (RAM) - the binaries are linked with this in mind, so they wont be functional if you dump them into 0x08000000
You CAN use libmaple and Make from the command line, and use "make jtag," which will build a binary for you linked at 0x08000000, which is exactly for this purpose.
Unfortunately this is not baked in to the IDE yet.
Posted 5 years ago # -
Hello, Maybe you guys can help me. I have a maple r5 and also a ETT/Futurlec ET-STM32F103 which share the same mcu and crystal.
There is also another old thread in which there are some potential changes to make this ET board to act like a maple. I would like to accomplish is to to load the generated .bin (unmodified) file from the MAPLE IDE to the ETT using my jtag. I used a tool called CoFlash to flash to the ET board (without maple bootloader installed) but my little blinky program is not working (remapped the correct pin)
Is it because I'm flashing maple generated bin into 0x08000000 but that bin was generated to be executed at 0x8005000?
I tried several options but now i'm not sure where my problem is. Maybe I'm not using CoFlash ( correctly to upload this to 0x8005000 ?
I also tried install maple bootloader in the ETT to do everything from maple ide but there are some changes wiring for the 5v detection that I don't know.
PS Something i read was the "make jtag" but I don't know where I need to do that for my .pde.
So in summary, I'm trying to upload the maple bin's to my ETT and I have failed and stuck.
Any info is appreciated.Posted 4 years ago #
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