pyrohaz - There is no meaningful concept of "remaining processor time" on Maple. There is really only 'how fast my program executes one pass".
The Maple is only doing what you program it to do, plus it handles two internal interrupts.
It deals with a timer interrupt every millisecond (for a few us) which is used to derive millis() and micros(). You could turn this off if you don't use them but I'd suggest they may be useful to you. The other interrupt is for USB, which you could disable if you don't need it.
So there is nothing else for Maple to do. It runs your program as fast as it can.
Of course, if you use delay(), the Maple is just 'twiddling its thumbs', and you are wasting processor time.
If you have a time sensitive program within a loop(), just measure how long it takes for each time through the loop() by toggling a pin and measure it on your oscilloscope. If it is reasonably consistent you'll get an even duty cycle square wave, and the duration of one cycle of that square wave is 2x the duration of one pass through your program.
I'd start with togglePin() or toggleLED() at the start of loop().
You could time a loop() containing nothing else, just toggleLED(), and measure that so that you can see the time needed to execute the loop() and that single call, and hence be able to correct for it.
In the very unlikely event that you need the timing to be very precise and accurate, and need an answer better than within 1us, then once you know approximately the run-time, you could look in forum threads to see how to set a pin quickly using e.g. bit-band addressing. But do togglePin or toggleLED first.