What would be roughly the maximum speed of the USB serial code for the Maple? I am trying to stream 256kbps of data to the Maple in real time.
The documentation says USBSerial is slow and inefficient, yet looking at the implementation (https://github.com/leaflabs/maple-ide/blob/master/hardware/leaflabs/cores/maple/usb_serial.cpp) it seems to be nothing more than a wrapper around USB.h. For example:
uint32 USBSerial::read(void *buf, uint32 len) {
if (!buf) {
return 0;
return usbReceiveBytes((uint8*)buf, len);
uint8 USBSerial::read(void) {
uint8 ch;
usbReceiveBytes(&ch, 1);
return ch;
I see nowhere where it is hard coded to be in the kilobit range, so unless I'm missing something, the USBSerial class would be capable of receiving mbps of data?