Well, I'm there now.
I received my Maple board, and now, I want to start interfacing with my I2C device, I search a bit to find something, even low level, that I can used on the forum but, no luck, or I may be blind!
I read a bit of
Imported some of the code in the IDE and was not able to compile it. Then I look at the SPI implementation and find out that was not what I was thinking! I learn what it is actually a bit more. "Like I said, not really a low level guy"
So, In the documentation:
I have found in this page that the I2C is in development, like written in the previous post. But, it's also written that the interface is available in the I2C branch of libmaple here http://github.com/leaflabs
I search on the libmaple and did not find any reference to I2C
Have you something for me that I can play with it? Even those function describe here http://forums.leaflabs.com/topic.php?id=28 would be appreciate! or pin point me to some implementation "compiling on win" that I can use!
Any help would be appreciate!
I want to interface 2 ITG3200 gyro and 2 BMA180 accelerometer to do an IMU
Thank in advance!