I'm trying to get a radio transmitter working on a Maple 5. It draws a max of about 12mA or so when active, < 1mA otherwise.
The problem I'm having is that when I switch the radio from standby to active in software, the USB connection resets (in fact, the Maple 5 may be doing a complete reset itself -- not entirely sure.)
Is this expected behaviour if you attempt to draw too much power from the 3.3V rail? I'm running it at 7.5DC Vin, so PD/(Vin - Vout) should be 0.37/(7.5 - 3.3) = 88mA total available. Board itself is supposed to take up about 30mA, leaving about 58mA to play with, I was thinking. I'm also reading a 10K thermistor and driving a transistor to actuate a SS relay.
The radio generates a low interrupt which I've got set up on D2.
I'm initialising with:
attachInterrupt(IRQ_PIN, radio_irq_vect, FALLING);
Any other ideas of what might be causing my symptoms? Does drawing too many mA sound plausible to explain these symptoms?
One other thing: It does this if powered by the USB connection, with or without the 7.5DC power supply being connected as well. (The reason I mention this is the USB would only supply 5V as Vin, so that should give me even more headroom to play with, I would have thought.)